Lawyer Viswanath | iBOMMA

Lawyer Viswanath

Cast:Ali, Niya Sankranthil, Juveria
Director:Bala Nageswara Rao Varada
Synopsis:Viswanath is a lawyer who is blessed with a loving family which is supported by his wife Kamala and his loving 8-year old daughter Akshara. On his daughter's birthday he takes his family for a dinner. On the way back a tragedy strikes Viswanath and his family which is un-imaginable for a person like him. In what way is his family affected? Will such tragedy have an impact on the society?

Lawyer Viswanath 2021 Telugu movie watch online. Ali, Niya Sankranthil, Juveria’s lawerviswanadh / Lawer viswanath download free from iBomma.